The New Sincerity

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Playing Dress Ups!

I love playing dress ups. It's so much fun. If there is a costume party, I want to be involved. My cousin Fiona and I try to make EVERY party a costume party. It's fun! It's silly! And it's a carnivalesque break from the everyday, from the mundane, from being staid and confined.

I've worn some elaborate outfits recently - medieval queen outfit, kink Gothic Lolita wedding dress for a photo shoot (is hard to explain that one!), and I did have a 50s B movie fembot outfit planned for my recently abandoned birthday party (bloody health). I'd probably dress like the Pipettes every day, if I could. Because polka dots are just bloody awesome, aren't they?

But see, the thing is, you have to commit. You can't be half-arsed. Everyone has to go all out or it all falls a bit flat. And you get to pretend to be someone else. And cute (looking cute is generally quite important in my dress-ups criteria).

And with the importance of commitment to the dress-up outfit in mind, it must be said that the above photo is objectively the greatest thing ever. It combines two of my favourite things ever - dressing up like an idiot, and robots. Kudos to these guys for making them.
posted by queen emily at 10:00 AM


I concur that it the best robot costoom ever created.


August 9, 2008 at 3:37 AM  

Oh but do those bring back memories of wonderfully tacky Republic serials.

August 15, 2008 at 1:54 PM  

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